Less than 100 days…

06 Jul

I just noticed that one of the freebie pregnancy apps that I have downloaded on my iPhone indicates that we are now less than 100 days until the little guy’s due date.  Less than 100 days!?!  What happened to the time? I am somewhat caught between great anticipation and excitement – kinda like being an elementary school kid on the celebration of the 100th day of a school year – and an extreme fear of holy crap?!

In less than 100 days our lives will change forever. In less than 100 days we will be surviving on even less sleep, all the while watching every breath as our little guy sleeps.  In less than 100 days we will be responsible for another human being – in a way that I have not yet experienced.  In less than 100 days our family will be blessed beyond our comprehension.

So what does one do at this time – this less than 100 days until the world changes forever?  Well, I’m trying to find extra sleep – I am already tired.  I am trying to stay on top of all of my responsibilities in my congregation and get ahead on a few so that come September I disappear when the little guy decides to arrive and trust that several big programs/ministries that I “run” continue.  We (my husband and I) are trying to get his kids (my stepkids) involved in the preparations (painting the nursery is happening soon!) We are praying that we keep our heads on straight and don’t get caught up in the latest fads (truly saw an ad for an electronic monitor that notifies you when you need to change your baby’s diaper!)

What does one need to do with less than 100 days before the arrival? Thoughts? 

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Posted by on July 6, 2014 in Uncategorized


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